This series of videos help the exporter understand the background and history of duty drawbacks, the types of duty drawbacks that can be claimed, and upcoming changes to the duty drawback program.
The first video introduces the duty drawback. You will learn about the purpose and benefits of a duty drawback, the U.S. drawback industry overview (such as the CBP Program at a Glance), geographic parameters, who qualifies for a drawback, and types of drawbacks.
[37MB]In this video, learn to determine and quantify duty drawback potential, understand data elements, and look at potential drawbacks in the future.
[26MB]This video will help you understand the goals behind duty drawback simplification legislation, the biggest changes with TFTEA Drawback Legislation, drawback time frames (Core vs. the Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement ACT of 2015), problems when there are no regulations, the interim guidance document, and how to take advantage of duty drawback and refunds.
[36MB]International Trade Administration
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