CHANGE OF TERMS Sample Clauses

CHANGE OF TERMS. The terms and conditions of this agreement are subject to future change by OWNER after the expiration of the agreed lease period upon 30-day written notice setting forth such change and delivered to RESIDENT. Any changes are subject to laws in existence at the time of the Notice of Change Of Terms.

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CHANGE OF TERMS. We may change this Agreement as allowed by applicable law. This may include changing, adding, or removing terms. We may do this in response to the legal, business, competitive environment or other reasons not listed here. We may increase the Interest rate on existing balances in limited circumstances. Changes to some terms may require at least 45 days advance notice, and we will tell you in the notice if you have the right to reject a change. We cannot change certain terms during the first year of your Account. ACCOUNT ASSIGNMENT We may sell, assign or transfer all or any part of your Agreement and Account without notice to you. You may not sell, assign or transfer your Account.

CHANGE OF TERMS. The College may change the terms of this Agreement at any time. The College will provide notice of such change to you on your student portal and allow you the opportunity to pay your student account in full if you dispute any changes. It is your responsibility to ensure you are aware of any changes, including changes to any and all tuition and fees. Changes may apply to all outstanding unpaid indebtedness and to any future transactions on your student account.

CHANGE OF TERMS. 19.1 We may change the terms of this Agreement at any time including, but not limited to, the APR, the formulas we use in computing the Finance Charge, the method of computing the Minimum Payment, the types and amounts of Fees, and the method we use to calculate the Average Daily Balance on which the Finance Charge is assessed.

CHANGE OF TERMS. We may change the terms of this policy (including the excess) by giving you or your broker notice in writing or by electronic means at your or your broker’s last known address. Unless otherwise specified in this policy the change in terms will take effect from 4pm on the 30th day after the date of the notice.

CHANGE OF TERMS. All of the terms, charges, conditions or covenants of this agreement as SUBJECT TO CHANGE SOLELY BY OWNER UPON THIRTY (30) DAYS prior written notice to the Occupant. If changed, the Occupant may terminate this agreement on the effective date of such change by giving the Owner TEN (10) days prior written notice to terminate. If the Occupant does not give such notice, the change shall become effective and apply in accordance with the terms of the notice.

CHANGE OF TERMS. EFI may modify the terms and conditions pursuant to this SAAS Agreement with one (1) month’s notice after such changes have been posted on the EFI website. The Customer has the right to terminate in writing the SAAS Agreement if the terms are materially changed. Use of the Service after a change of these terms has come into force constitutes acceptance of such changed terms. It is the Customer’s obligation to keep up to date on changes to the terms. However, if the terms are materially changed to the detriment of the Customer, EFI must provide a written notice of 30 days sent by email to the Customer’s contact person as registered with EFI.

CHANGE OF TERMS. Provided the Account is meeting the terms of this Agreement: (1) We will not increase an Introductory APR during any Introductory Rate period; and (2) We will not increase any APR, Annual Fee or minimum Interest Charge for 12 months following account opening, except for increases due to the expiration of an Introductory or Promotional Rate period, if any; changes in the Prime Rate; completion or failure of a temporary hardship arrangement; application of a Penalty Rate; or the end of military service to which the provisions of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) apply. (“Exceptions”). Otherwise, we may change the terms of the Agreement at any time, after notice and the right to reject if required by law. Changes in any APR, other than the stated Exceptions, Annual Fee or minimum Interest Charge will apply to new transactions created after the end of the 14th day following our providing notice to you. If you reject a change, your Account will be cancelled and you will no longer be able to use the Account. Cancellation of your Account will not affect your liability to us for credit we have extended to you, including amounts not yet billed to your Account.

CHANGE OF TERMS. We may change this Agreement as allowed by applicable law. This may include changing, adding, or removing terms. We may do this in response to legal, business, competitive environment or other reasons not listed here. We may increase the APR on existing balances in limited circumstances. Changes to some terms may require at least 45 days advance notice, and we will tell you in the notice if you have the right to reject a change. We cannot change certain terms during the first year of your Account.

CHANGE OF TERMS. All terms of the agreement including, but not limited to, annual rental, conditions of occupancy and charges are subject to change upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to OCCUPANT. If changed, the OCCUPANT may terminate this agreement on the effective date of the change giving OWNER thirty (30) days prior written notice to terminate. If the OCCUPANT does not give such notice, the change shall become effective and apply to his or her occupancy.