Welcome to Valley View Primary and Intermediate School and the 2023-24 school year. The staff and I are pleased to have you as part of our community and will do our best to make your experience productive and successful. This handbook was developed to answer many of the commonly asked questions and contains important information that you are responsible for knowing. The schools’ rules and procedures are designed to allow students to be educated in a safe and orderly environment. All students are expected to follow staff members’ directions, obey all school rules, arrive at school on time, and be prepared to learn. In order to keep parents informed of their child’s progress, parents are provided information on a regular basis and whenever concerns arise. Parents are encouraged to build a two-way link with their child’s teacher/s and support staff by informing them of suggestions or concerns that may help their child better accomplish the educational goals. Student safety is the responsibility of both students and staff. All staff members are familiar with emergency procedures. It is required that all students have an emergency medical authorization form completed by a parent or guardian. Students with specific health care needs should alert the school regarding those needs, in writing and with proper documentation by a physician, to the school office.
Sincerely, Lindsey Schmidt Principal Valley View Primary & Intermediate SchoolThis district provides an equal educational opportunity for all students. Any person, who believes that the school or any staff person has discriminated against a student on the basis of race, color, creed, disability, religion, gender, ancestry, or national origin, has the right to file a complaint. Complaints and/or questions should be directed to the School District’s Civil Rights Compliance Officer, Kevin Phillips, at 855-6581.
Valley View Local Schools Phone Numbers Valley View Local Schools Board of Education: 855-6581 Valley View Local Schools website: www.valleyview.k12.oh.us Valley View Primary School Elementary: 855-6571 Valley View Intermediate School 855-4203 Valley View Junior High School: 696-2591 Valley View High School: 855-4116The school office hours are 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Parents are requested to call the school if they have questions, concerns, or desire a conference. Parents are welcome to visit our school. We ask that you sign our guest book at the office when you enter and leave. All parents and visitors must enter through the Primary building.
Teachers’ Day is 8:35 a.m. - 3:50 p.m. Parents are requested to schedule conferences with teachers between 8:35 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., during time when the teacher does not have students for instruction, or after 3:45 p.m. It is best to call the school office and make an appointment to ensure the availability of the teacher for a conference. All teachers have been instructed not to conduct a conference at a time when they are expected to be supervising and instructing students.
Students’ Day is from 9:15 a.m. to 3:43 p.m. Students will not be allowed to enter classrooms until 9:05 a.m. without permission from a faculty member. In addition, all students must exit the building by 3:43 p.m. unless they have faculty permission. Exceptions are made for students with specific medical problems that require early building entry.
The school's rules and procedures are designed to allow students to be educated in a safe and orderly environment. All students are expected to follow staff members’ directions and obey all school rules.
The staff expects students to arrive at school prepared to learn. It is the student’s responsibility to arrive on time and be prepared to participate in the educational program. If, for some reason this is not possible, the student should seek help from his/her teacher, principal and/or support staff.
In order to keep parents informed of their child’s progress in school, parents will be provided information on a regular basis and whenever concerns arise. Many times it will be the responsibility of the student to deliver the information. The school, however, may use the mail, Parent Square, or hand delivery to ensure contact. Parents are encouraged to build a two-way link with their child’s teachers and support staff by informing the staff of suggestions or concerns that may help their child better accomplish his/her educational goals.
Student safety is the responsibility of both students and staff. All staff members are familiar with emergency procedures such as fire and tornado drills, and accident reporting procedures. If a student is aware of any dangerous situation or accident, he/she must notify a staff person immediately.
State law requires that all students have an emergency medical authorization completed, signed by a parent or guardian on file in the school office.
Students with specific health care needs should alert the school regarding those needs in writing and with proper documentation by a physician to the school office.
Injury and IllnessAll injuries must be reported to a teacher or the office. If the injuries are minor, the student will be treated and may return to class. If medical attention is required, the office will follow the school’s emergency procedures.
A student who becomes ill during the school day should request permission from the teacher to go to the office. The office will determine whether or not the student should remain in school or go home. No student will be released from school without proper parental permission.
Students that are new to Valley View are required to enroll with their parents or legal guardian. When enrolling, parents must provide copies of the following:
A birth certificate from the Department of Health Court papers allocating parental rights and responsibility, or custody (if appropriate) Proof of residency (2 documents) Proof of immunizationUnder certain circumstances, temporary enrollment may be permitted. If that is done, the parents will be told what records are needed to make the enrollment regular.
Birthday Invitations All party invitations distributed at school should include the entire class and/or all boys/girls. Scheduling and AssignmentThe principal will assign each student to the appropriate classroom and the program in which the student will be participating. Any questions or concerns about the assignment should be discussed with the principal.
Early DismissalNo student will be allowed to leave school prior to dismissal time without either a written request signed by the parent/guardian or the parent/ guardian coming to the Primary school office to request the release. No student will be released to a person other than a custodial parent/guardian, without a permission note signed by the custodial parent/guardian.
Withdrawal/Transfer from SchoolIf a student plans to transfer to another school, the parent must notify the secretary. School records will be transferred within fourteen (14) days to the new school if all fees are paid in full.
ImmunizationsEach student should have the immunizations required by law or have an authorized waiver. If a student does not have the necessary shots or waivers, the principal may remove the student or require compliance with a set deadline. This is for the safety of all students and in accordance with State law. Any questions about immunizations or waivers should be directed to the school nurse.
Health ServicesA school nurse is assigned to the Primary and Intermediate buildings. If you wish to confer with our school nurse, please call the school office and make an appointment.
Emergency Medical FormAll students must have an emergency medical form on file in case he/she becomes ill or is involved in an accident requiring medical treatment. This form is prescribed by law and must be on file no later than September 30th. If a student does not have such a form on file, he/she will be excluded from participation in any field trip in addition to the potential danger of not receiving prompt medical attention when needed.
Medication Policy
We can dispense PRESCRIPTION & NONPRESCRIPTION medication to students only under the following conditions:
Parents are required to complete a Request for Administering Medications form which will be kept on file in the office before any medication will be given to a student.
A statement signed by the prescribing physician must be on file in the office.The medication (prescription and non-prescription) must be received in the original container in which it was dispensed by the prescribing physician.
The school nurse and/or principal’s designee may dispense medicine. This will not be done by classroom teachers.
The use of inhalers and epinephrine auto injectors (a.k.a. “epi pens”) are a special circumstance. These may be kept in the possession of students if needed. The office must have the same Request for Administering Medications form on file. However, if parents wish for students to retain possession, an additional form authorizing this must also be completed. These forms are available in the office.
Prescription drugs such as antibiotics that are usually administered three times daily should be dispensed at home. In addition, parents should not send over-the-counter medicines to school for the office to administer unless it is absolutely necessary.
Control of Casual-Contact Communicable DiseasesBecause a school has a high concentration of people, it is necessary to take specific measures when the health or safety of the group is at risk. The schools’ professional staff has the authority to remove or isolate a student who has been ill or has been exposed to a communicable disease or highly transient pests, such as lice. Any removal will be only for the contagious period as specified in the school’s administrative guidelines.
Individuals with DisabilitiesThe Americans with Disabilities Act (A.D.A.) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act provide that no individual will be discriminated against on the basis of a disability. This protection applies not just to the student, but to all individuals who have access to the District’s programs and facilities.
A student can access special education services through the proper evaluation and placement procedure. Parent involvement in this procedure is required. More importantly, the school wants the parent to be an active participant. To inquire about programs, a parent should contact the district psychologist at 855-6581.
Each staff member is accountable for advancing student achievement by helping every student reach his or her optimal level of success. Valley View Local Schools will require reliable and accurate data to foster achievement for every student. When a student requires intervention, parents will be provided with the amount and nature of student data that will be collected, strategies for increasing the child’s rate of learning, and the general services that will be provided. Intervention is sometimes a process of longer duration than a few months, even lasting multiple school years. Parents who feel that intervention is not making sufficient progress for their student have the right to request a full evaluation for special education services.
Student PrivacyValley View Primary & Intermediate School respects the privacy and rights of parents and students. No student shall be required, without written permission, to take part in a survey, analysis, or evaluation that reveals information concerning:
Political affiliation or beliefs of the student or his/her parents. Mental or psychological problems of the student or his/her family. Sexual behavior or attitudes. Illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating or demeaning behavior. Critical appraisals of other individuals with whom respondents have close family relationships.Legally recognized privileged and analogous relationships, such as those of lawyers, physicians, or ministers.
Religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs of the student or his/her parents.Income (other than that required by law to determine eligibility for participation in a program or for receiving financial assistance under a program).
Parents have the right to inspect any material used in conjunction with the survey, analysis, or evaluation. Parents/Guardians will be notified annually of the specific or approximate dates during the school year when the following activities are scheduled or expected to be scheduled:
Activities involving the collection, disclosure, or use of personal information collected from students for the purpose of marketing or for selling that information (or otherwise providing that information to others for that purpose); and
The administration of any survey by a third party that contains one or more of the items described in A through H above.
Student RecordsConfidential records contain educational and behavioral information to which access has been restricted based on the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and Ohio law. This information can only be released with written consent of the parents or the adult student. The only exception is to comply with State and Federal laws that authorize the release of such information without consent.
Student FeesEvery attempt is made to keep student fees at a minimum. However, workbooks and supplies are needed for instruction. Please make every attempt to pay these fees early in the school year. If payment of the entire fee at one time creates a hardship, please contact the principal to set up a payment plan.
2023-24 Student Fees Kindergarten - 4th Grade: $75 5th - 6th Grade: $90 Student FundraisingStudents participating in school-sponsored groups and activities will be allowed to solicit funds from other students, staff members, and members of the community in accordance with school guidelines. The following general rules will apply to all fund-raisers.
Students involved in the fundraiser are not to interfere with students participating in other activities in order to solicit funds.
A student will not be allowed to participate in fundraising activities for a group in which he/she is not a member without the approval of the principal.
No student may participate in fundraising activities off school property without proper supervision by approved staff or other adults.
No house-to-house canvassing is allowed by any student for a fundraising activity.No student may participate in a fundraising activity conducted by a parent group, booster club, or community organization on school property without the approval of the principal.
No student is permitted to sell any item or service in school without the prior approval of the building principal. Violation of this policy may lead to disciplinary action.
Student ValuablesStudents are encouraged not to bring items of value to school. Items such as jewelry, expensive clothing, electronic equipment, and the like are tempting targets for theft and extortion. The school is not responsible for their safekeeping and will not be liable for any loss or damage to personal valuables.
Cafeteria (Meal Service)The School participates in the National School Lunch Program and makes lunches available to students. Prices for the 2023-2024 school year are:
Breakfast: $1.90 Fire and Tornado DrillsThe schools comply with all fire safety laws and will conduct fire drills in accordance with State law. Specific instructions on how to proceed will be provided to students by teachers who will oversee the safe, prompt and orderly evacuation of the building.
Tornado drills will be conducted during the tornado season using the procedures prescribed by the State. The alarm system for a tornado is different from the alarm system for fires and consists of an announcement over the public address system and an alarm from a transistor megaphone.
Emergency Closings and DelaysIf severe weather indicates the possibility that school may be canceled, please look for the delay or cancellation announcements on Channels 2, 7, and 22, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. In addition, any delay or closing will be posted on our website, and an announcement sent through ParentSquare. Please do not call the school. If severe weather develops rapidly during the school day, early dismissal is possible. A ParentSquare message will be activated and all parent/guardians will be notified. Please develop a plan to determine where your child should go in the event of an early dismissal. In addition, all parents need to plan ahead and complete an Inclement Weather form (early dismissal). It is imperative that parents have current phone numbers on file. After five calamity days the district will implement virtual lessons for the next three calamity days. Assignments will be provided electronically by the teachers, or for our youngest students, assignments will be paper/pencil. For students who do not have access to complete these virtual assignments, upon return to school hard copies will be provided. Students will have 5 school days to submit completed virtual assignments. If the assignment is not completed, the students will be counted as absent for the related calamity day.
Remote Learning DaysAfter five calamity days the District will implement remote learning day lessons for the next three calamity days (calamity days six through eight). Assignments will be provided by the teachers electronically; for students who do not have access to technology, hard copies will be provided upon return to school. Students have five school days to submit completed remote learning assignments. If a student’s assignments are not completed, that student will be counted absent for the related calamity day. For students in grades kindergarten through third, assignments will be in paper/pencil format.
Search/Seizure, SurveillanceThe Valley View Board of Education and Administration reserve the right to search lockers, desks, and automobiles driven by students on school grounds or at any school activity. Students should have no expectations of privacy in the previous mentioned areas. With reasonable suspicion, a student and/or the personal belongings of a student on school grounds or at any school activity may also be searched. This policy also applies to students’ personal computers, cell phones (which include the entire electronic piece), other electronic devices, and any other personal property brought to school. Trained police dogs may be used to detect the presence of illegal substances. Video surveillance of the hallways, classrooms, parking lots, buses, and other school property may be used for the protection of students and/or employees and their property, and to enforce compliance of the Student Code of Conduct. School administration and those authorized by school officials may view these tapes. Unattended items may be searched thoroughly to ensure safety of students/staff/building.
VisitorsVisitors to school are not permitted to go to a classroom without prior arrangements with the teacher. If you want to visit your child’s classroom, please call the teacher to schedule a visit. If you need to bring an item to your child, bring the item to the office and we will take it to the child’s classroom or call them to the office. All visitors must sign-in and receive a visitor’s pass when they enter the building. The pass will be returned to the office when they sign out. The safety of our students makes it necessary for this security measure to be implemented. If you feel a conference with a teacher is necessary, this needs to be arranged at a time other than when the teacher is responsible for the instruction and/or supervision of students. This can be done via either phone or email. Student visits to classrooms are not permitted unless permission has been given by the principal prior to the day of visitation. When students need to be picked up before the normal dismissal time, this must be done in the school office. If a non-guardian wishes to visit a child in school, we must have written permission from that child’s parent or legal guardian.
Use of School Equipment and FacilitiesStudents must receive the permission of the teacher before using any equipment or materials in the classroom and the permission of the principal to use any other school equipment or facilities. Students will be held responsible for the proper use and safekeeping of any textbooks or equipment that they are allowed to use.
The lost and found area is in the main lobby of both buildings. Students who have lost items should check there and may retrieve their items if they give a proper description. Unclaimed items will be given to charity.
Use of TelephoneOffice telephones are not to be used for personal calls. Except in an emergency, students will not be called to the office to receive telephone calls.
Advertising Outside ActivitiesNo announcement or posting of outside activities will be permitted without the approval of the superintendent. A minimum of twenty-four (24) hours is required to ensure that the superintendent has the opportunity to review the announcement or posting.
Section II – Academics Field TripsField trips are academic activities that are held off school grounds. There are also other trips that are part of the schools’ co-curricular and extracurricular program. No minor student may participate in any school-sponsored trip without parental consent and current emergency medical form on file in the office. Medications normally administered at school will be administered while on field trips. The student Code of Conduct applies to all field trips. While the District encourages the student’s participation in these, alternative assignments may be provided for any student whose parent does not give permission to attend. Students who violate school rules may lose the privilege to go on field trips. All students are required to ride school transportation to the field trip destination. In order for a parent to bring a child home in a personal vehicle, a pre-approved note is required before students depart the school.
GradesThe purpose of a grade is to indicate the extent to which the student has acquired the necessary learning. In general, students are assigned grades based upon test results, homework, projects, and classroom participation. Each teacher may place a different emphasis on these areas in determining a grade and will inform the students at the beginning of the class. If a student is not sure how their grade will be determined, they should ask the teacher.
Grades for Kindergarten through 2nd will consist of a report card with descriptive marks and a narration. Grades for 3rd through 6th will be by report card using the following marking system:
A - 93-100 A- - 90-92 B+ - 88-89 B - 83-87 B- - 80-82 C+ - 78-79 C - 73-77 C- - 70-72 D+ - 68-69 D - 63-67 D- - 60-62 F - Below 60Grading Periods
Students shall receive a report card at the end of each nine-week period indicating their grades for each course of study for that portion of the academic term.
When a student appears to be at-risk of failure, reasonable efforts will be made to notify the parents so they can talk with the teacher about what actions can be taken to improve poor grades.
Recognition of Student AchievementStudents who have displayed significant achievements during the course of the year are recognized for their accomplishments. Areas that may merit recognition include; academics, athletics, performing arts, citizenship, and volunteerism. Recognition for such activities is initiated by the staff and coordinated by the building principal.
HomeworkIn grades k-3, there will be no homework assigned. For grades 4-6, the assignment of homework can be expected. A student’s grade will reflect the completion of all work, including outside assignments. Homework is also part of the student’s preparation for various assessments and, ultimately, graduation. Valley View Intermediate School believes the purpose of homework should be to practice, reinforce, or apply acquired skills and knowledge. We also believe, as research supports, that moderate assignments completed and done well are more effective than lengthy or difficult ones poorly done.
Speech & Language TherapyThe objectives of the Speech, Hearing and Language Therapy program are to provide for the identification, assessment, recommendation for placement, and treatment of eligible school-age children with communication disorders. Annual screenings are completed for kindergarten students and students new to the Valley View School District. Other students are identified on a referral basis from teachers, parents, or the Speech/Language Pathologist. Students are provided with speech/language therapy according to standards established by State Law.
Special Education (grades Kindergarten-6th)Special education programs are available for students who have been identified as having disabilities. In addition, special educational services are available for preschool-age children with developmental delays and communication disorders. For more information, please call the district psychologist, at 855-6581.
Student Network and Internet Acceptable Use and SafetyAdvances in telecommunications and other related technologies have fundamentally altered the ways in which information is accessed, communicated, and transferred in society. Such changes are driving the need for educators to adapt their means and methods of instruction, and the way they approach student learning, to harness and utilize the vast, diverse, and unique resources available on the Internet. The Board of Education is pleased to provide Internet services to its students.. The District’s Internet system has not been established as a public access service or a public forum. The Board has the right to place restrictions on its use to assure that use of the District’s Internet system is in accord with it’s educational purpose. Student use of the District’s computers, network and Internet services ("Network") will be governed by this policy and the related administrative guidelines, and the Student Code of Conduct. The due process rights of all users will be respected in the event there is a suspicion of inappropriate use of the Network. Users have no right or expectation to privacy when using the Network (including, but not limited to, privacy in the content of their personal files, e-mails, and records of their online activity while on the Network).
The Board encourages students to utilize the Internet in order to promote educational excellence in our schools by providing them with the opportunity to develop the resource sharing, innovation, and communication skills and tools that are essential to both life and work. The instructional use of the Internet will be guided by the Board's policy on instructional materials.
The Internet is a global information and communication network that provides students and staff with access to up-to-date, highly relevant information that will enhance their learning and the education process. Further, the Internet provides students and staff with the opportunity to communicate with other people from throughout the world. Access to such an incredible quantity of information and resources brings with it, however, certain unique challenges and responsibilities.
First and foremost, the Board may not be able to technologically limit access, through the Board's Internet connection, to only those services and resources that have been authorized for the purpose of instruction, study and research related to the curriculum. Unlike in the past when educators and community member had the opportunity to review and screen materials to assess their appropriateness for supporting and enriching the curriculum according to adopted guidelines and reasonable selection criteria (taking into account the varied instructional needs, learning styles, abilities, and developmental levels of the students who would be exposed to them), access to the Internet, because it serves as a gateway to any publicly available file server in the world, will open classrooms and students to electronic information resources that have not been screened by educators for use by students of various ages.
Pursuant to Federal law, the Board has implemented technology protection measures, which protect against (e.g. filter or block) access to visual displays/depictions/materials that are obscene, constitute child pornography, and/or are harmful to minors, as defined by the Children’s Internet Protection Act. At the discretion of the Board or the Superintendent, the technology protection measures may be configured to protect against access to other material considered inappropriate for students to access. The Board also utilizes software and/or hardware to monitor online activity of students to restrict access to child pornography and other material that is obscene, objectionable, inappropriate and/or harmful to minors. The technology protection measures may not be disabled at any time that students may be using the Network, if such disabling will cease to protect against access to materials that are prohibited under the Children’s Internet Protection Act. Any student who attempts to disable the technology protection measures will be subject to discipline.
The Superintendent or Technology Supervisor may temporarily or permanently unblock access to sites containing appropriate material, if access to such sites has been inappropriately blocked by the technology protection measures. The determination of whether material is appropriate or inappropriate shall be based on the content of the material and the intended use of the material, not on the protection actions of the technology protection measures.
Parents are advised that a determined user may be able to gain access to services and/or resources on the Internet that the Board has not authorized for educational purposes. In fact, it is impossible to guarantee students will not gain access through the Internet to information and communications that they and/or their parents may find inappropriate, offensive, objectionable or controversial. Parents assume risks by consenting to allow their child to participate in the use of the Internet. Parents of minors are responsible for setting and conveying the standards that their children should follow when using the Internet. The Board supports and respects each family's right to decide whether to apply for independent student access to the Internet.
Pursuant to Federal law, students shall receive education about the following:A. safety and security while using e-mail, chat rooms, social media, and other forms of direct electronic communications;
B. the dangers inherent with the online disclosure of personally identifiable information;
C. the consequences of unauthorized access (e.g., "hacking"), cyber bullying and other unlawful or inappropriate activities by students online, and;
D. unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal information regarding minors.
Staff members shall provide instruction for their students regarding the appropriate use of technology and online safety and security as specified above. Furthermore, staff members will monitor the online activities of students while at school.
Monitoring may include, but is not necessarily limited to, visual observations of online activities during class sessions; or use of specific monitoring tools to review browser history and network, server, and computer logs.
Building principals are responsible for providing training so that Internet users under their supervision are knowledgeable about this policy and its accompanying guidelines. The Board expects that staff members will provide guidance and instruction to students in the appropriate use of the Internet. Such training shall include, but not be limited to, education concerning appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms and cyber bullying awareness and response. All Internet users (and their parents if they are minors) are required to sign a written agreement to abide by the terms and conditions of this policy and its accompanying guidelines.
Students and staff members are responsible for good behavior on the Board's computers/network and the Internet just as they are in classrooms, school hallways, and other school premises and school sponsored events. Communications on the Internet are often public in nature. General school rules for behavior and communication apply. The Board does not sanction any use of the Internet that is not authorized by or conducted strictly in compliance with this policy and its accompanying guidelines.
Students shall not access social media for personal use from the District’s network, but shall be permitted to access social media for educational use in accordance with their teacher’s approved plan for such use.
Users who disregard this policy and its accompanying guidelines may have their use privileges suspended or revoked, and disciplinary action taken against them. Users granted access to the Internet through the Board's computers assume personal responsibility and liability, both civil and criminal, for uses of the Internet not authorized by this Board policy and its accompanying guidelines.
The Board designates the Superintendent and Technology Supervisor as the administrators responsible for initiating, implementing, and enforcing this policy and its accompanying guidelines as they apply to students’ use of the Network.
P.L. 106-554, Children's Internet Protection Act of 2000
47 U.S.C. 254(h), (1), Communications Act of 1934, as amended (2003)
20 U.S.C. 6801 et seq., Part F, Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965,
as amended (2003)
18 U.S.C. 1460
18 U.S.C. 2246
18 U.S.C. 2256
20 U.S.C. 6777, 9134 (2003)
76 F.R. 56295, 56303
The School provides students the opportunity to broaden their learning through selected curricular-related activities.
Special Club MeetingsIf a child is to attend a special club meeting after school rather than going directly home the child's parent will need to notify the school. A child will be sent home as usual unless notification in writing of the change has been received.
Germantown Public Library PartnershipOver the years the Germantown Library has offered a number of excellent programs that have enhanced the learning process for our students. Our students will participate in these as they become available.
Non-school Sponsored Clubs and ActivitiesNon-school sponsored student groups may meet in the school building during non-instructional hours. The application for permission to use school facilities can be obtained from the central office.
Student Attendance at School EventsIn order to ensure that students attending evening events as non-participants are properly safeguarded, it is strongly advised that students be accompanied by a parent or adult chaperone when they attend the event. The school is not responsible for supervising unaccompanied students nor will it be responsible for students who arrive without an adult chaperone.
There is a direct correlation between student attendance and academic success in school. Students who attend school with a high degree of regularity greatly increase the likelihood of achieving academic success, and they develop good habits for work after high school. Ohio’s compulsory school laws require students to attend school, and establish legal penalties for both students and parents who violate these laws. Any questions concerning the authority or guidelines used for excusing student absences from school are outlined in the ORC 3321.04 and Chp. 3301-51 of the Ohio Administrative Code.
Good attendance results in success at school. Therefore, Valley View encourages regular attendance in accordance with the Ohio Compulsory Attendance Law and the Missing Children's Act (ORC 3321.04). Parents are encouraged to call to report their child's absence from school at 855-6571 for both the Primary School and Intermediate School before 8:30 A.M. each day of absence. The school will attempt to contact the parent of each absentee who is not reported. Students are to bring a note signed by a parent to the office before school upon their return. Failure to do so may result in an unexcused absence. Absences are either excused or unexcused. It is possible for a student to be unexcused even though a parent gives permission for the absence. Students arriving or leaving school for a doctor's appointment must bring a doctor's certification upon return to school.
No student will be allowed to leave school prior to dismissal time without either (a) a written request signed by the parent or guardian or (b) the parent or guardian coming to the school office to request the release or (c) via a parental phone call. No student will be released to a person other than a custodial parent(s) or guardian without a permission note signed by the custodial parent or guardian or verified parental permission or (d) a student may be released on his /her own only with verified parental permission (example-to walk home). Any parent dropping off students after 9:05 or picking students up before 3:40, will need to do so through the Primary Building office.
Following are some examples of what the school will consider legitimate reasons for students to miss school: Personal illness (chronic absence due to illness may require a doctor's note); Quarantine of the home; Serious illness or death in the immediate family; Emergency circumstances, as granted by the principal; Authorized religious holidays; Approved school activities.
Following are some examples of what the school does not consider as excused absences: Truancy; Suspension ; Shopping; Trips not approved in advance; Missing the school bus; hunting, fishing; gainful employment; birthdays; Take Your son / daughter to Work Day, or other celebrations; hair appointments; Oversleeping; Any other absence deemed unexcused by the administration. Situations may arise that would be excused by administration and will be considered on a case by case basis. Work missed due to an unexcused absence cannot be made up unless approved by the principal.
Students may miss up to five days of school per semester without a doctor’s note, provided the reasons comply with the above list of legitimate reasons for an excused absence. ALL absences beyond 5 days per semester MUST be accompanied by a doctor’s note, or will be treated as unexcused.
Any absences which are not excused or pre-approved, or are beyond the five days per semester limit without a doctor’s note or pre-approval, will be considered unexcused. Students will receive 0’s for any work missed from an unexcused absence unless approved by the principal. Students and parents may be cited to Miamisburg Satellite Court or the Montgomery County Juvenile Court for not attending school.
Unexcused absence from school (truancy) is not acceptable. Students who are truant will receive no credit for school work that is missed unless approved by the principal. A student will be considered habitually truant if the student is absent without a legitimate excuse for five or more consecutive school days, for seven or more school days in one month, or twelve or more school days in one school year. Furthermore, a student will be considered chronically truant if the student is absent without a legitimate excuse for seven or more consecutive school days, for ten or more school days in one month, or fifteen or more school days in one year.
Students who arrive at school after the school day has begun through the first 30 minutes will be counted tardy. Students arriving late to school are to report directly to the office for an admit slip. Students should bring a note explaining their reason for tardiness. Students may have two tardies to school per semester without penalty, but all other tardies will be counted as unexcused without a doctor’s excuse. Students who arrive at school after the first 30 minutes will be counted as one-half day of absence, as will those who leave school before 3:10.
Students arriving at school who are too ill to attend classes will not be permitted to participate in extracurricular activities or special in-school activities for that day. The only exception will be those students who bring in a doctor’s note or situations approved by administration.
Habitual Absences/Tardy/Truancy PolicyA student’s excessive or habitual absence, tardiness, or truancy to school, will result in a requirement for their parent(s) to attend an Attendance Intervention Meeting in accordance with ORC 3313.663, ORC 2151.011(B)(17), and HB 410.
Legally a student is considered habitually truant if the student is absent without a legitimate excuse for:
30 or more consecutive hours (approx. 5 school days) 42 or more hours in a month (approx. 6 school days) 72 or more hours in a year (approx. 12 school days)When a student becomes “Habitually Truant”, the parent may be required to attend a parent involvement program (Attendance Intervention Meeting) and an Absence Intervention Plan (AIP) will be developed. As mandated by Ohio law, failure of the student to make satisfactory progress per the AIP will require a court complaint to be filed.
If a student becomes habitually truant within 21 days of the end of the school year, a school official may be assigned to develop an absence intervention plan during the summer, or the school may reconvene the absence intervention process on the first day of the next school year.
NOTE: Hours of school missed due to tardies may be applied to the accumulated number of hours of unexcused absence in relation to ORC 3313.663, ORC 2151.011(B)(17), and HB 410 (mandatory attendance laws)
Class-CutsClass-cuts are determined by the administration and occur when a student misses all or part of an assigned class without permission. A student who leaves the school building or school grounds without permission will be considered truant. Truancy is an unexcused absence.
Pre-Excused AbsencesStudents are sometimes permitted to miss school for family vacations. These absences must have prior approval of the administration. The student should bring a parent note to the attendance office requesting the pre-approved absence at least a day in advance of the day s/he is leaving. The student will carry a form to teachers to receive missed assignments. These assignments are due the day the student returns to school. The administration will approve or not approve these requests based on the student’s academic standing, attendance record, and teachers’ input.
STUDENT CONDUCTStudents are expected to conduct themselves in such a way that they respect and consider the rights of others. Students of Valley View School District must conform to school regulations and accept directions from authorized school personnel. The Board will not condone any behaviors that are violent, disruptive or inappropriate that will impede the educational process.
A student, who fails to comply with established school rules, or with any reasonable request made by school personnel on school property, and/or at school-related events, is subject to approved student discipline regulations. The Superintendent/Designee develops regulations which establish strategies ranging from prevention to intervention to address student misbehavior.
Students and parents annually receive, at the beginning of the school year or upon entering during the year, written information on the rules and regulations to which they are subject while in school or participating in any school-related activity or event. The information includes the types of conduct which are subject to suspension or expulsion from school or other forms of disciplinary action. The Board directs the administration to make all students aware of the student code of conduct and the fact that any violations of the student code of conduct are able to be disciplined.
If a student violates this policy or the code of conduct, school personnel, students, or parents should report the student to the appropriate principal. The administration cooperates in any prosecution pursuant to the criminal laws of the State of Ohio and local ordinances.
The Student Code of Conduct is made available to students and parents and is posted in a central location within each building. Adoption Date: 5/27/99
Legal, Ref: Orc.33113,20;3313.534;3313.66;3313.661;3313.662 OAC 3301-35-03
Cross Refs: ABC, Student Involvement in Decision Making EBC, Emergency Plans JFCAA, Student Dress Code JFCEA, Gangs JFCJ, Dangerous Weapons in the Schools JG, all sub codes Student Handbooks
The Valley View Board of Education has adopted this code of conduct to foster a safe and effective learning environment for the students of Valley View School District, in compliance with Sections 3313.66, 3313.661, 3313.533 (Sub. Sec. 601), and 3313.663 of the Ohio Revised Code.
A violation of any section or rule of this Code of Conduct and/or Student Parent Handbook may result in disciplinary action including, but not limited to, detention, loss of bus privileges, loss of privileges, extended school, alternative educational placement (AEP), satellite court, suspension, emergency removal, expulsion, or permanent exclusion. The school’s rules and procedures are designed to allow students to be educated in a safe and orderly environment. All students are expected to follow staff members’ directions and obey all school rules. In order to keep parents informed of their child’s progress in school, parents will be provided information on a regular basis and, whenever concerns arise. Many times it will be the responsibility of the student to deliver the information. The school however, may use the mail, email, hand delivery, or phone to ensure contact. Parents are encouraged to build a two-way link with their child’s teachers and support staff by informing the staff of suggestions or concerns that may help their child better accomplish his/her education goals. Use of Progress Book, email, and phone calls to contact school personnel are encouraged.
Discipline of Students with Disabilities – Students with disabilities will be entitled to the rights and procedures afforded by the Individuals with Disabilities Act (I.D.E.A.), and where applicable, the Americans with Disabilities Act (A.D.A.), and/or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Scope of Jurisdiction – The section or rules of this code will apply to all students when they are under the authority of school personnel during a school activity, function, or event, whether on Valley View School property, school bus, or on another site and property under the control of school authorities, and while at activities and programs. In addition this Code of Conduct includes:
Definitions of Discipline Methods (in order of severity)
Administration Discipline Procedures and Reasons
Reasons for Detention
A student may be given a detention (or lunch detention) in order to preserve the safety of others or to prevent damage to property, and to preserve an effective learning environment
Procedure for Detention
A. The student and parent will be given written or oral notification of the detention.
Reasons for Emergency Removals
A student may be removed in order to preserve the safety of others, to prevent damage to property, and to preserve an effective learning environment.
Procedure for Emergency Removal
Reasons for Alternative Education Placement (AEP)
An AEP may be given for any violation of the Student Code of Conduct. The length/number of days of AEP will be determined by the administration.
Procedures for Alternative Education Placement (AEP)
Reasons for Satellite Court
Students may be referred to Miamisburg Satellite Juvenile Court. The intent of this referral is to provide parental support for at risk youths exhibiting problematic behavior.
Procedures for Satellite Court
Reasons for Suspension
A suspension may be given for any violation of the Code of Conduct. Some specific violations of the Code of Conduct require an automatic suspension, and/or expulsion. During a suspension students are not allowed on school grounds or allowed to attend any school events/activities. Students may be allowed to make up standard tests and exams, and may receive partial credit for make-up work at the administrator’s discretion. (See #7 under “Definitions” regarding credit for make-up work.)
Procedure for Suspension
Due Process & Appeals Process
As long as the in-school discipline is served entirely in the school setting it is not subject to appeal. However, a suspended student shall have the right to appeal a suspension and has the right to be heard. A discipline decision may be appealed to the Superintendent within 14 school days after receipt of notice has been received by the parent or custodial parent. The appeal should be given in writing and state reasons for the appeal. This is to be addressed to the Superintendent or his/her designee. Due process will consist of the following steps:
1. Notification verbally and/or in writing of the violation and reasons supporting the decisions. 2. The student will be afforded the opportunity of a hearing.3. Students and/or parents will be provided the opportunity to appeal any decision resulting from the hearing.
Reasons for ExpulsionAn expulsion may be given for any violation of the Code of Conduct. Some specific violations of the Code of Conduct require an automatic expulsion under the Ohio Law.
Procedure for ExpulsionThe student will be given an informal hearing with the Principal, Assistant Principal and Superintendent at which time he/she will be given the reason(s) for the expulsion and an opportunity to tell his/her side of the story.
The student shall be temporarily placed on a 10 day suspension to allow time for notification and the hearing process.
The parent, guardian, or custodial parent must provide a written notice of appeal within 14 days after the notice of expulsion has been received.
The Superintendent’s office shall notify the student and his/her parents, unless the student is an emancipated adult, of the time and place for the expulsion hearing.
Expulsions shall be carried out by the order of the Superintendent. A disciplinary report will be filed and a copy placed in the student’s file. The Board of Education will be notified of all expulsions. Reasons for Permanent Exclusion A student may be excluded in order to preserve a safe learning environment.The Superintendent for Public Instruction is empowered to permanently exclude from all public schools a student who is convicted of adjudicated delinquent for committing certain offenses on school property or at a school activity where such student is 16 years of age or older.
Specific violations may include the following: conveying any deadly weapon or dangerous ordnance onto school property or any school activity held under the auspices of a public school board; trafficking in drugs; aggravated murder; murder; voluntary manslaughter, involuntary manslaughter; felonious assault; aggravated assault; rape; gross sexual imposition; or felonious sexual penetration. (O.R.C. Sections 2923.122; 2923.12; 2925.03; 2903.01 2903.04; 2903.11; 2903.12; 2907..02; 2907.05.
Procedures for Permanent Exclusion The Superintendent (local) may request a student be excluded from school if:1. The student is convicted (or adjudicated a delinquent) for committing one of the previously mentioned sections of the ORC.
2. He/She has proof of the specified convictions or adjudication. 3. He/She finds the continued presence of the student a danger to others4. Gives written notice to the student’s parent, guardian or custodial parent of the Superintendent’s request.
a. Within 14 days of receiving the Superintendent’s recommendation and a review of “the required information” the Board may adopt a resolution requesting the Superintendent of Public Instruction (State) permanently exclude the student. The “required information” consists of 9 different categories ranging from pupil’s academic record to evidence regarding the availability of alternative sanctions.
b. If the resolution is sent, then the local board must designate a representative to present the case for exclusion to the State Superintendent.
c. The State Superintendent, or designee, must send notice to the student, parent, guardian, or custodian, of the date, time, and place of the exclusion hearing, the rules and conduct of the hearing. After considering the required information and evidence, the State Superintendent must issue an order in relation to the permanent exclusion of the pupil within 7 days after the conclusion of the hearing.
Reasons for MediationMediation is designed to help students resolve conflicts with non-violent methods. Some of the typical topics to be addressed in mediation include jealousy, rumors, misunderstandings, bullying, personal property dispute, endings of friendships, and bias-related incidents.
Procedure for MediationAdministrators or Counselors may call students in, and attempt to counsel conflicts between students.
Students may request to speak to counselors or administrators to request mediation.Valley View uses an honor code to encourage academic honesty. Cheating in any form, which may include but is not limited to theft of information, plagiarism, copyright infringement, unauthorized duplication of materials, and altering materials, will not be tolerated.
Forgery, which includes unauthorized access into computers, computer sites, or information on databases, falsification in writing, or verbally on school forms, or correspondence directed to the school. This also includes falsification in writing/submitting false documents.
NOTE: Submission of a falsified doctor’s note may be a felony crime. B. Disrupting/Obstructing the Educational ProcessStudents are not to disrupt or obstruct the educational or extracurricular process. This includes but is not limited to class disturbances or distractions. This may include a wide array of inappropriate activities. Some examples of prohibited disruptive/unsafe behavior may be students talking during class, propelling objects, and being argumentative. Chronic misbehaviors are also prohibited.
Consequences: Warning, up to 10-day suspension with recommendation for expulsion. C. Dress CodeStudents shall dress in such a manner that their clothing or appearance is not a source of distraction and/or that it does not endanger them or others safety, health, or physical well being. School administration will determine when student dress and appearance is disruptive to the educational environment, or is offensive, unsafe, or is not appropriate at Valley View Intermediate School.
1. Clothing that refers to or promotes drugs, alcohol, weapons, nicotine containing substance, uses profanity, makes sexual reference, or would be a source of disrespect or hatred toward others, or is intended to damage for racial, ethnic, sexual orientation or religious viewpoints, is not to be worn to school or at any school function.
2. Shirts which expose the midriff at any time are not acceptable. Sleeveless shirts must be hemmed and must fit snugly around the arm. Muscle shirts and spaghetti strap shirts are not appropriate unless they have at least a minimum one inch strap. Low cut shirts with inappropriate exposures are also unacceptable.
3. Lower garments must be worn in a fashion that undergarments cannot be seen. Holes in jeans/clothes, tears in clothes or length of clothes must not be inappropriate or disruptive as determined by the administration.
4. Other related items (objectionable): Hats, headgear, hoods (may not be worn up on head), masks, skate shoes, outdoor apparel, blankets, bandanas, costumes or parts of costumes, gloves, mittens, sunglasses, book bags, backpacks, day packs, studded or spiked jewelry, are to be kept in student’s locker and are not to be worn or carried during the day.
5. The administration reserves the right to determine when body piercing or other apparel/items are disruptive to the educational process or pose a health or safety risk.
6. The administration reserves the right to determine when make-up, hair coloring, and hair styles are disruptive to the educational process.
7. School issued clothing, when approved by administration, may be worn during the school day.Consequences: Warning up to 10-day suspension with recommendation for expulsion. Clothing violators preferred to the office may be asked to attempt to secure appropriate clothing. If proper clothing cannot be obtained, students may be confined to the office until proper clothing is delivered to the student, up through the remainder of the school day. Repeat offenses may be considered insubordination and subject to discipline under “Section M”.
D. Drugs, Alcohol, or Other Mind Altering SubstancesStudents may not be in possession of, attempt to obtain, use, sell, or traffic, alcoholic beverages, drugs, mind altering substances, counterfeit controlled substances, or drug paraphernalia, on school property, nor may there be evidence of consumption.
1. Consequences: Possession of drug or alcohol paraphernalia without possession of/or evidence of consumption or use of drugs or alcohol: 1 to 10-day suspension with possible recommendation for expulsion.
2. Consequences: Use or evidence of consumption of alcohol, drugs, mind-altering substances, or counterfeit controlled substances: 10-day suspension with possible recommendation for expulsion, depending on the severity of the case. The Administration may waive up to 4 days of the suspension if the student enrolls in and completes a substance abuse evaluation and/or substance abuse program (satisfactory evidence of completion must be provided). It is up to the parents to arrange for the student to be enrolled in a program which is approved by the administration. If enrolled in an approved program the student may return to school with administrative approval. If the program is not successfully completed then the entire suspension will be enforced.
3. Consequences: Attempt to sell/purchase/obtain or transmission of alcohol, drugs, mind altering substances, or counterfeit controlled substances: 10-day suspension with recommendation for expulsion.
In all cases of possession, transportation or sale of drugs, alcohol, or counterfeit controlled substances, the Police will be notified and charges filed.
Definition of Counterfeit Controlled Substance1. Any drug that bears, or whose container or label bears a trademark, trade name, or other identifying mark used without authorization of the owner or rights to such a trademark, trade name, or identifying mark.
2. Any unmarked or unlabeled substance that is represented to be a controlled substance manufactured, processed, packed, or distributed.
3. Any substance that is represented to be a controlled substance but is not a controlled substance or is a different controlled substance.
4. Any substance other than a controlled substance that a reasonable person would believe to be a controlled substance because of its shape, size, color, or its markings, labeling, packaging, distribution, or the price for which it is sold or offered for sale.
No student shall knowingly possess any counterfeit controlled substance, nor shall any student knowingly make, sell, offer to sell, attempt to purchase, give, package, or deliver a counterfeit controlled substance. No student shall directly or indirectly represent a counterfeit controlled substance as a controlled substance by describing, either with words or conduct, its effects as being the same or similar to the physical or mental effects associated with use of a controlled substance. No students shall directly or indirectly falsely represent a counterfeit controlled substance as a controlled substance.
E. Fighting/Unauthorized Touching/Harming/Use of ForceStudents may not be involved in fighting, unauthorized touching, harming or any use of force against any other person. Students are strongly encouraged to REPORT problems with other students well before an issue may become physical in nature.
Consequences: Up to 10-day suspension with recommendation for expulsion. The administration has the discretion to suspend a student for up to 10 days immediately and remove him/her from school and to recommend expulsion for any fighting, or any use- of-force offense. The police may be involved and charges filed.
F. GangsThe Valley View School District will not tolerate any gang behavior, including the use of gestures, code words, symbols, or dress, which may be interpreted as gang activity. An individual gang member refers to anyone who threatens to cause, or causes harm to another or his/her family or property for the purpose of solicitation or causing combination, confederation, alliance, network conspiracy, understanding or similar conjoining, in law or fact, of three or more persons with an established hierarchy, that through its membership, or through the agency of any member, engages in a course or pattern of criminal activity.
Consequence: AEP, up to 10-day suspension with recommendation for expulsion. G. GamblingStudents may not gamble at school or at school activities; nor are they permitted to gamble on school activities or events.
Consequence: Detention, up to 10-day suspension with recommendation for expulsion. H. Harassment/Sexual Harassment, Bullying, and CyberbullyingThe Valley View School District and Board of Education understands the seriousness of category H and has adopted a policy that clearly describes their position, please see board policy 5517.01. Therefore we are committed to eliminating and preventing harassment/sexual harassment/bullying/cyber-bullying. The Board of Education does not tolerate harassment, intimidation or bullying of any student, or staff member, on school property or at a school sponsored event, and regardless of whether the event occurs on or off school property (including on school buses and other school related vehicles). These types of behaviors that occur off school grounds and not at a school sponsored event, but carry over to intolerable behaviors at school, may be addressed. Students who engage in such behavior are subject to disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion from school. The Board’s commitment to addressing such prohibited behavior involves a multi-faceted approach, which includes education and the promotion of a school atmosphere in which harassment, intimidation, bullying and cyberbullying will not be tolerated by students, staff, or administration. Students are strongly encouraged to REPORT these types of behaviors to school personnel.
For purposes of this policy we define Bullying/Cyber bullying as:Any intentional written (via electronic or other means), verbal, or physical act that a student has exhibited toward another student more than once and the behavior both: (1) causes mental or physical harm to the other student; and (2) is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that it creates an intimidating, threatening or abusive educational environment for the other student.
Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying behaviors include, but are not limited to: 1) Unwanted advances/sexual advances, including propositioning2) School related dating violence; a pattern of behavior where a person uses or threatens physical, sexual, verbal, or emotional abuse to control the person’s dating partner primarily characterized by the expectation of affectionate involvement whether casual, serious, or long-term. (A dating partner is any person, regardless of gender, involved in an intimate relationship with another person.)
3) Non-verbal conduct such as leering or gesturing 4) Verbal conduct such as derogatory comments, slurs, jokes, kidding/parody 5) Unwanted physical contact such as touching, assault, impeding or blocking movement.6) Electronically transmitted acts via the internet, cell phone, wireless held devices, as well as non-electronic communications and drawings.
Consequences: detention up to 10-day suspension with recommendation for expulsion. I. InsubordinationStudents are expected to obey reasonable requests of school personnel. Insubordination also includes, but is not limited to, any violation of accepted standards of behavior in which any reasonable person would be expected to observe. Any other action judged by school officials to involve misconduct and not specifically mentioned in other sections of the Code of Conduct may be dealt with as insubordination. This also includes: disruption, disrespect, dishonesty, impeding an administrative investigation, being untruthful to school officials, or withholding information that may put staff/students well-being at risk. If a student is aware of any dangerous situation or accident, he/she must notify a staff person immediately. Failure to do so may be considered insubordination.
Consequences: Detention, up to 10-day suspension with recommendation for expulsion, and/or possible court referral.
J. Intolerant Acts –This includes: Coercion, Endangerment, Hate Speech (that is intended to damage for racial or ethnic reasons, or sexual orientation, or religious viewpoints), Hazing, Intimidation, Threats.
Valley View will not tolerate any words or actions that may cause others to fear their safety and/or are inappropriate in nature. This includes but is not limited to threats, endangerment, false alarms, inducing panic, hate speech, frightening, degrading, or disgraceful acts, hazing, coercion of another, also including pressure from a student for money/goods/loans. Any remarks, actions, or communications, via verbal, nonverbal, written, or via technological means, whether real or not, may be taken seriously.
Consequence: AEP, up to 10-day suspension with recommendation for expulsion. Victims or a victim’s parent may contact law enforcement personnel and civil action may be taken. K. Language, Inappropriate or ProfaneThis includes a wide range of language including but not limited to cursing, untimely comments, and remarks, communications (electronic or other means) that are deemed unacceptable in a particular context or situation, or that may cause others to fear for their safety. This includes but is not limited to inappropriate gestures, drawings, pictures, electronic messages/postings, and inappropriate academic work. Any use in academic work may result in loss of credit on the assignment in addition to further disciplinary action.
Consequence: Detention, up to 10-day suspension with recommendation for expulsion L. Sexual display or sexually related behaviorThis includes a wide range of behaviors including but not limited to sexting, possession, display or solicitation of sexual images and/or materials (in electronic form or not), sexual activity, and improper nudity.
Consequence: Detention, up to 10-day suspension with recommendation for expulsion; Police may be contacted.
M. Smoking/Possession or Use of Nicotine or Smoking Products; Nicotine or Smoking ApparatusStudents are not permitted to possess, transmit, or use nicotine products or nicotine containing substances, tobacco apparatus (including matches or lighters), look alike products (such as mint or herbal cigarettes), or electronic smoking devices (including e-cigarettes, vapes or similar devices, regardless of whether or not nicotine is present) in the school buildings or on school grounds at any time, (this also includes school buses, field trips, or at any school sponsored event).
Consequences: Formal charges may be filed with Juvenile Court under ORC 2151.87, for students under the age of 18. (Discipline may be reduced in some cases if parents attend an approved tobacco education class with the student.) First offense: AEP up to a 10 day suspension.
N. Technology ViolationAll phones, recording devices, and other electronic devices (including headphones, earphones, and/or other related accessories) must remain off, not in use, and out of sight during the school day. This is in effect in all classrooms, in the school building, and anywhere on school property during school hours. School staff have the option of collecting electronic devices at the start of each class to minimize disruption of the educational process. Students who do not wish to have their devices collected must leave the devices in their locker during the school day. Classroom teachers may allow students to use personal cell phones for reasonable and appropriate purposes. Any phone, recording device, or electronic device causing a disruption, or violating this section of the Code of Conduct (including a noise or ring tone made by the device), may be confiscated immediately by school personnel. Refusal to turn over the device to school personnel upon request may be considered insubordination and may be disciplined as such. When confiscated the entire electrical piece must be surrendered and remain unlocked. If reasonable suspicion exists that indicates a violation of the code of conduct involving a device, the device may be searched. Refusal to surrender or unlock a device may in and of itself create reasonable suspicion. If a device is locked the student must unlock it at the request of administration. Refusal to do so will be considered insubordination and may be disciplined as such. All communications between parents and students are to take place through the office. Texting or electronic communication between a student and parents will be considered a technology violation unless with administrative permission. Violations of the Student Network and Internet Safety Policy are also considered a technology violation.
Consequences: Warning up to 10-day suspension with recommendation for expulsion; students may lose privilege to possess a cell phone at school or school events.
See “Section K” regarding sexting and/or possession of sexual materials. “Section K” discipline also applies to electronic devices containing sexual materials.
O. Theft
Theft or unauthorized use of school or private property, including but not limited to theft of information, copyright infringement, and unauthorized duplication.
A theft occurs when a person knowingly 1) obtains or exerts unauthorized control over property of the owner (including computer software or copyrighted materials) or 2) obtains by deception, control over property of the owner, or 3) obtains by threat, control over the property of the owner. 4) obtains control over stolen property, knowing the property to have been stolen or under such circumstances as would lead him/her to reasonably believe that the property was stolen and he/she: a.) intends to deprive the owner of the use or benefit of the property, or b) knowingly uses, conceals, or abandons the property in such a manner as to deprive the owner of such use or benefit, or c) uses, conceals, or abandons the property, knowing such use , concealment, or abandonment, probably would deprive the owner of such use or benefit.
Consequence – AEP, and up to 10-day suspension with recommendation for expulsion. Police may be contacted and/or a court referral may be made.
P. Vandalism/Trespassing/Unauthorized Use of Fire
Students may not damage or deface school or private property; may not participate in the unauthorized use of fire, may not trespass during non-school hours/activities, may not introduce computer viruses, may not delete computer files, nor alter databases.
Consequences – AEP, up to 10-day suspension with recommendation for expulsion, including restitution and replacement of damaged items. The Valley View Board of Education has adopted H.B. 601.
R. Weapons
The possession, use, handling, transmission, concealment, creation of dangerous weapons or instruments is prohibited.
The definition of weapons includes: firearms, BB guns, pellet guns, airsoft guns, paintball guns, explosives, ammunition, knives (a knife is defined as any cutting instrument consisting of a sharp blade fastened to a handle), chains, razor blades, straight edges, sticks, stun-guns, pepper sprays, incendiary devices including fireworks, or any other device or object that the administration determines can be used to cause damage to persons or property. “Look alike weapons” which are used to scare, threaten or cause panic, will be treated the same as real weapons.
Firearms – In accordance with Section 3313.66 of the ORC, the Superintendent is required to expel a student for a period of one year for bringing a firearm on school property, in a school vehicle, or to any school sponsored event. The definition of a firearm shall include: any weapon (including a starting gun) which will, or is designed to, or may be converted to, expel a projectile by the action of an explosive; the frame or receiver of any such weapon; any firearm muffler or firearm silencer; or any destructive device (as defined in 18 U.S.C. Section 921-924), which includes but is not limited to any explosive, incendiary, or poisonous gas, bomb, grenade, or rocket, having a propellant charge, missile having an explosive or incendiary charge, mine, or device similar to any of the devices described above.
1. Consequences – The possession, apparent use, or use, of a firearm on school property, at school events, on/in a school vehicle, will result in a 10-day suspension with recommendation for expulsion or permanent exclusion. *In this case the Police will be involved and charges filed.
2. Consequences – The possession or use of a “look alike weapon” for the purpose to scare, threaten, or cause panic, will result in a 10- day suspension with possible recommendation for expulsion or permanent exclusion. *In this case the Police will be involved and charges filed.
3. Consequences – The possession of a “look alike weapon” and/or items mentioned under the (definition of weapons), excluding firearms, will result in a 3-day up to 10-day suspension with possible recommendation for expulsion. A weapons suspension MAY be reduced if the student seeks a psychological assessment at his/her expense as approved by the administration.
S. SEVERE CLAUSE – It is impossible to list or categorize all possible offenses for which a student may be disciplined. The Principals have the authority to deal with offenses not specifically discussed in the student Code of Conduct; and the Principal or his designee have the authority to discipline students based on the facts and merits of any situation. The Principal or his designee may use the severest discipline possible for any inappropriate student behaviors.
*The police may be notified and charges filed when there is any violation of the law.
The schools provide bus transportation for all students who live within one mile of school. The bus schedule and route are available by contacting the transportation director at 855-3897.
Students will ride only assigned buses and will board and depart from the bus at assigned bus stops. Students will not be permitted to ride unassigned buses for any reason other than an emergency except as approved by the principal.
A change in a student's regular assigned bus stop may be granted for a special need, if a note from a parent is submitted to the building principal stating the reason for the request and the duration of the change. The principal reserves the right to approve or reject the request.
Bus ConductStudents who are riding to and from school on transportation provided by the school are required to follow some basic safety rules. This applies to school-owned buses as well as any contracted transportation that may be provided.
The driver is responsible for student safety and may assign seating or direct the student in any reasonable manner to maintain that safety.
Bus Rules 1. Sit in assigned seats and remain seated unless permission from the driver is given. 2. Keep arms and head inside the bus at all times. 3. There is to be no throwing of objects or spitting on the bus or out the window. 4. Talk quietly at all times with no talking at railroad crossings. 5. Use the rear door for emergency exit only. 6. Students must arrive at the bus stop at least 5 minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive. 7. Behavior at school bus stops must not threaten life, limb or property of anyone. 8. Students must remain seated, keeping aisles and exits clear. 9. Students are not permitted to use profane language. 10. Eating/drinking on the bus is not permitted except as required for medical reasons. 11. The use of tobacco is not permitted on the bus.12. Students are not permitted to have alcohol or drugs in their possession on the bus except for prescription medication.
13. Students may only carry on the bus objects that can be held in their laps.14. Students must leave or board the bus at the location to which they have been assigned unless they have both parental and administrative authorization to do otherwise.
Excluded ItemsObjects such as musical instruments, school bags/backpacks, science projects, lunch boxes, tool boxes, etc., can be carried on the bus only when they are small enough to be held on the lap. Items excluded from the bus include animals, weapons, ammunition, or other dangerous items as well as drugs and alcohol.
Consequences of Poor Bus BehaviorThe first offense shall be handled by the driver and a copy of the bus misconduct report mailed home.
The second offense shall be reported to the principal. He/she will place the student on probation and notify parents by letter of repeated misconduct and the penalty for a third offense.
If a third offense occurs, the parents of the student will be notified by letter stating the reason(s) why the student may be refused transportation. The bus driver then shall not permit the student to board the bus as long as the length of suspension is in force.
Should the first offense be of a drastic nature, Steps 1 and 2 may be omitted and Step 3 put into effect.
Videotapes on School BusesThe Board of Education has authorized the installation of video cameras on school buses for purposes of monitoring student behavior.
If a student is reported to have misbehaved on a bus and his/her actions were recorded on videotape, the tape will be submitted to the principal and may be used as evidence of misbehavior.
Penalties for InfractionsA student who becomes a behavior problem on the bus shall be disciplined in accordance with the Student Discipline Code and may be deprived of the privilege of riding on the bus.
Suspension of Bus Riding/Transportation PrivilegesWhen a student is being considered for suspension of bus riding/transportation privileges, the administrator in charge will notify the student of the reason. The student will then be given an opportunity to explain his/her side. After that informal hearing, the Principal (or other administrator) will make a decision whether or not to suspend his/her bus riding/transportation privileges for all or part of the school year. If a student’s bus riding/transportation privileges are suspended, he/she and his/her parents will be notified of the reason for and the length of the suspension.
The Board of Education is committed to providing a safe, positive, productive, and nurturing educational environment for all of its students. The Board encourages the promotion of positive interpersonal relations between members of the school community.
Harassment, intimidation, or bullying toward a student, whether by other students, staff, or third parties is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated. This prohibition includes aggressive behavior, physical, verbal, and psychological abuse, and violence within a dating relationship. The Board will not tolerate any gestures, comments, threats, or actions which cause or threaten to cause bodily harm or personal degradation. This policy applies to all activities in the District, including activities on school property or while enroute to or from school, and those occurring off school property if the student or employee is at any school-sponsored, school-approved or school-related activity or function, such as field trips or athletic events where students are under the school's control, in a school vehicle, or where an employee is engaged in school business.
This policy has been developed in consultation with parents, District employees, volunteers, students, and community members as prescribed in R.C. 3313.666 and the State Board of Education's Model Policy.
Harassment, intimidation, or bullying means:A. any intentional written, verbal, graphic, or physical act that a student or group of students exhibits
toward another particular student(s) more than once and the behavior both causes mental or physical harm to the other student(s) and is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive that itcreates an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational environment for the other student(s); or
B. violence within a dating relationship.Aggressive behavior is defined as inappropriate conduct that is repeated enough, or serious enough, to negatively impact a student's educational, physical, or emotional well being. This type of behavior is a form of intimidation and harassment, although it need not be based on any of the legally protected characteristics, such as sex, race, color, national origin, marital status, or disability. It would include, but not be limited to, such behaviors as stalking, bullying/cyberbullying, intimidating, menacing, coercion, name calling, taunting, making threats, and hazing.
Harassment, intimidation, or bullying also means electronically transmitted acts (i.e., internet, e-mail, cellular telephone, personal digital assistance (PDA), or wireless hand-held device) that a student(s) or a group of students exhibits toward another particular student(s) more than once and the behavior both causes mental and physical harm to the other student and is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational environment for the other student(s).
Any student or student's parent/guardian who believes s/he has been or is the victim of aggressive behavior should immediately report the situation to the building principal or assistant principal, or the superintendent. The student may also report concerns to teachers and other school staff who will be responsible for notifying the appropriate administrator or Board official. Complaints against the building principal should be filed with the Superintendent. Complaints against the Superintendent should be filed with the Board President.
Every student is encouraged, and every staff member is required, to report any situation that they believe to be aggressive behavior directed toward a student. Reports may be made to those identified above.
All complaints about aggressive behavior that may violate this policy shall be promptly investigated. The building principal or appropriate administrator shall prepare a written report of the investigation upon completion. Such a report shall include findings of fact, a determination of whether acts of harassment, intimidation, and/or bullying were verified, and, when prohibited acts are verified, a recommendation for intervention, including disciplinary action shall be included in the report. Where appropriate, written witness statements shall be attached to the report.
If the investigation finds an instance of harassment, intimidation, and/or bullying has occurred, it will result in prompt and appropriate remedial and/or disciplinary action. This may include up to expulsion for students, up to discharge for employees, exclusion for parents, guests, volunteers, and contractors, and removal from any official position and/or a request to resign for Board members. Individuals may also be referred to law enforcement officials.
Retaliation against any person who reports, is thought to have reported, files a complaint, or otherwise participates in an investigation or inquiry concerning allegations of aggressive behavior is prohibited and will not be tolerated. Such retaliation shall be considered a serious violation of Board policy and independent of whether a complaint is substantiated. Suspected retaliation should be reported in the same manner as aggressive behavior. Making intentionally false reports about aggressive behavior for the purpose of getting someone in trouble is similarly prohibited and will not be tolerated. Retaliation and intentionally false reports may result in disciplinary action as indicated above.
If a student or other individual believes there has been aggressive behavior, regardless of whether it fits a particular definition, s/he should report it and allow the administration to determine the appropriate course of action.
This policy shall not be interpreted to infringe upon the First Amendment rights of students (i.e., to prohibit a reasoned and civil exchange of opinions, or debate, that is conducted at appropriate times and places during the school day and is protected by State or Federal law).
The complainant shall be notified of the findings of the investigation, and as appropriate, that remedial action has been taken. If after investigation, acts of bullying against a specific student are verified, the building principal or appropriate administrator shall notify the parent/guardian of the victim of such finding. In providing such notification care shall be taken to respect the statutory privacy rights of the perpetrator of such harassment, intimidation, and/or bullying.
If after investigation, acts of harassment, intimidation, and/or bullying by a specific student are verified, the building principal or appropriate administrator shall notify in writing the parent/guardian of the perpetrator of that finding. If disciplinary consequences are imposed against a student, a description of the discipline shall be included in the notification.
ComplaintsStudents and/or their parents/guardians may file reports regarding suspected harassment, intimidation, or bullying. Such reports shall be reasonably specific including person(s) involved, number of times and places of the alleged conduct, the target of suspected harassment, intimidation, and/or bullying, and the names of any potential student or staff witnesses. Such reports may be filed with any school staff member or administrator, and they shall be promptly forwarded to the building principal for review, investigation, and action.
Students, parents/guardians, and school personnel may make informal complaints of conduct that they consider to be harassment, intimidation, and/or bullying by verbal report to a teacher, school administrator, or other school personnel. Such informal complaints shall be reasonably specific including person(s) involved, number of times and places of the alleged conduct, the target of suspected harassment, intimidation, and/or bullying, and the names of any potential student or staff witnesses. A school staff member or administrator who receives an informal complaint shall promptly document the complaint in writing, including the information provided. This written report shall be promptly forwarded by the school staff member and/or administrator to the building principal for review, investigation, and appropriate action.
Students who make informal complaints as provided above may request that their name be maintained in confidence by the school staff member(s) and administrator(s) who receive the complaint. Anonymous complaints shall be reviewed and reasonable action shall be taken to address the situation, to the extent such action may be taken that (1) does not disclose the source of the complaint, and (2) is consistent with the due process rights of the student(s) alleged to have committed acts of harassment, intimidation, and/or bullying.
When a student making an informal complaint has requested anonymity, the investigation of such complaint shall be limited as is appropriate in view of the anonymity of the complaint. Such limitation of investigation may include restricting action to a simple review of the complaint subject to receipt of further information and/or the withdrawal by the complaining student of the condition that his/her report be anonymous.
Privacy/ConfidentialityThe School District will respect the privacy of the complainant, the individual(s) against whom the complaint is filed, and the witnesses as much as possible, consistent with the Board’s legal obligations to investigate, to take appropriate action, and to conform with any discovery or disclosure obligations. All records generated under this policy and its related administrative guidelines shall be maintained as confidential to the extent permitted by law.
Reporting RequirementAt least semi-annually, the Superintendent shall provide to the President of the Board a written summary of all reported incidents and post the summary on the District website (if one exists). The list shall be limited to the number of verified acts of harassment, intimidation, and/or bullying, whether in the classroom, on school property, to and from school, or at school-sponsored events.
Allegations of criminal misconduct and suspected child abuse will be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agency and/or to Child Protective Services in accordance with statute. District personnel shall cooperate with investigations by such agencies.
A School District employee, student, or volunteer shall be individually immune from liability in a civil action for damages arising from reporting an incident in accordance with this policy and R.C. 3313.666 if that person reports an incident of harassment, intimidation, and/or bullying promptly, in good faith, and in compliance with the procedures specified in this policy. Such immunity from liability shall not apply to an employee, student, or volunteer determined to have made an intentionally false report about harassment, intimidation, and/or bullying.
NotificationNotice of this policy will be annually circulated to and posted in conspicuous locations in all school buildings and departments within the District and discussed with students, as well as incorporated into the teacher, student, and parent/guardian handbooks. State and Federal rights posters on discrimination and harassment shall also be posted at each building. All new hires will be required to review and sign off on this policy and the related complaint procedure.
Education and TrainingIn support of this policy, the Board promotes preventative educational measures to create greater awareness of aggressive behavior, including bullying and violence within a dating relationship. The Superintendent or designee shall provide appropriate training to all members of the School District community related to the implementation of this policy and its accompanying administrative guidelines. All training regarding the Board’s policy and administrative guidelines and aggressive behavior and bullying in general, will be age and content appropriate.
The Superintendent shall develop administrative guidelines to implement this policy. Guidelines shall include reporting and investigative procedures, as needed. The complaint procedure established by the Superintendent shall be followed.
(INCLUDING TITLE II, TITLE VI, TITLE VII, AND TITLE IX, SECTION 504, AND ADA) NondiscriminationThe Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of religion, race, color, national origin, sex, disability, military status, ancestry, age, or genetic information in its program, activities, or employment.
Further, it is the policy of this District to provide an equal opportunity for all students, regardless of race, color, creed, age, disability, religion, gender, ancestry, national origin, place of residence within the boundaries of the District, or social or economic background, to learn through the curriculum offered in this District.
Any person who believes that s/he has been discriminated against or denied equal opportunity or access to programs or services may file a complaint, which may be referred to as a grievance, with the District’s Civil Rights Coordinator:
Kevin Phillips Valley View Local School District 59 Peffley Street Germantown, Ohio 45327 (937) 855-6581The individual may also, at any time, contact the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, Cleveland Office, 600 Superior Avenue East, Suite 750, Cleveland, Ohio 44114-2611; Telephone: (216) 522-4970; Fax: (216) 522-2573; TDD: (216) 522-4944; E-mail: ocr.cleveland@ed.gov; Web: http://www.ed.gov
A person who believes s/he has a valid basis for a complaint may discuss the matter, informally and on an oral basis with the District's Civil Rights Coordinator, who will investigate the complaint and respond in writing to the complainant. If the informal procedures, do not resolve the matter to the complainant's satisfaction or s/he skips the informal process, s/he may initiate formal procedures according to the following steps:
Investigation by the District's Civil Rights Coordinator: A person may initiate a formal investigation by filing a written complaint with the District's Civil Rights Coordinator. The complaint must contain the name and address of the individual or representative filing the complaint, be signed by the complainant or someone authorized to sign for the complainant, and describe the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Civil Rights Coordinator of the nature and date of the alleged violation, and propose a resolution. The complaint must be filed within thirty (30) calendar days of the circumstances or event giving rise to the complaint, unless the time for filing is extended by the Civil Rights Coordinator for good cause. The Civil Rights Coordinator will conduct an impartial investigation of the complaint. As part of the investigation, the Civil Rights Coordinator shall permit the complainant to present witnesses and other evidence in support of his/her complaint. The investigation shall be completed within ten (10) business days of the written complaint being filed. The Civil Rights Coordinator will notify the complainant in writing of his/her decision and will maintain the District's files and records relating to the complaint.
If the complainant is not satisfied with the Civil Rights Coordinator's Step 1 decision, s/he may submit, in writing, a signed statement of appeal to the Superintendent of Schools within five (5) business days after receipt of the Coordinator's response. The Superintendent shall meet with all parties involved, formulate a conclusion, and respond in writing to the complainant within ten (10) business days of receiving the written appeal.
If the complainant remains unsatisfied, s/he may appeal through a signed written statement to the Board of Education within five (5) business days of his/her receipt of the Superintendent's Step 2 response. In an attempt to resolve the complaint, the Board of Education shall meet with the concerned parties and their representative within twenty (20) business days of the receipt of such an appeal. A copy of the Board's disposition of the appeal shall be sent to each concerned party within ten (10) business days of this meeting.
The complainant may be represented, at his/her own cost, at any of the above-described meetings/hearings.
The right of a person to a prompt and equitable resolution of the complaint shall not be impaired by the person's pursuit of other remedies such as the filing of a complaint with the Office for Civil Rights or the filing of a court case in the appropriate Federal District Court. Use of the internal complaint procedures is not a prerequisite to the pursuit of other remedies.
The Civil Rights Coordinator will provide a copy of the District's complaint procedure to any person who files a complaint and will investigate all complaints in accordance with this procedure.
A copy of each of the Acts and the regulations on which this notice is based may be found in the Civil Right Coordinator's office.
Prohibition Against Retaliation
The Board will not discriminate against, coerce, intimidate, threaten, or interfere with any individual because the person opposed any act or practice made unlawfully by any Federal civil rights law, or because that individual made a charge, testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing under those laws or because that individual exercised, enjoyed, aided or encouraged any other person in the exercise or enjoyment of any right granted or protected by those laws.