Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse suscipit sapien ac sapien malesuada fringilla. Fusce venenatis, mauris id sagittis dapibus, mauris velit sollicitudin ante, a pulvinar leo orci vel erat. Nam mattis erat augue, at luctus ex dignissim et. Donec suscipit, dui at efficitur tristique, nulla nisi ornare lorem, vel dictum lectus eros nec felis.
The map extent shifts or moves when the map is exported to PDF because Data Driven Pages are enabled in the map document.
If users want to print a map outside of the logical bounds of the Data Driven Pages, they must do one of the following:
• Add a custom extent to the data driver for Data Driven Pages.
1. In ArcMap, navigate to Customize > Toolbars > Data Driven Pages.
2. On the Data Driven Pages toolbar, click the Data Driven Pages setup button.
3. In the Set Up Data Driven Pages dialog box, click the Extent tab.
4. Set the desired custom extent.
• Disable Data Driven Pages.
1. In ArcMap, navigate to Customize > Toolbars > Data Driven Pages.
2. On the Data Driven Pages toolbar, click the Data Driven Pages setup button.
3. In the Set Up Data Driven Pages dialog, uncheck the Enable Data Driven Pages check box.